Have you been injured in an accident or undergone surgery? Have you had difficulty returning to your everyday life? Do you suffer from sudden and unexplained pain or discomfort, regardless of how minor it may seem?
You may be experiencing signs of physical trauma or emotional distress – or even a combination of both. In this case, osteopathy may be able to help.
Osteopaths in Croydon are healthcare professionals who specialise in diagnosing and managing musculoskeletal conditions with hands-on treatment such as massage, gentle joint mobilisations and spinal adjustments, as well as providing rehabilitation programs and aftercare advice.
This article will provide an overview of osteopathic treatment specifically for those who’ve recently experienced an accident or surgery.
How can osteopathy help you recover after a road traffic accident?
Osteopathic treatment can be a valuable part of a comprehensive recovery plan following a car accident. That helps to reduce pain, improve mobility, and support healing.
If it is more than a mild prang and you have signs or symptoms of whiplash or concussion, it is very important to be screened first. This may mean a visit to A&E or your Doctor. After this, your Osteopath can help.
During treatment, the osteopath may use their hands to apply gentle pressure to specific areas of the body to improve the function of the musculoskeletal system or use techniques such as joint mobilisation or Osteopathic soft tissue treatment.
An Osteopath may also provide advice on lifestyle and dietary changes that can help support the recovery process as well as specific exercises to strengthen and support weakened muscles and ligaments injured during the road traffic accident.
Enhancing healing and function with Osteopathic treatment after trauma
Osteopathic treatment uses a range of hands-on techniques that are frequently gentle to improve the musculoskeletal system’s function and enhance healing after trauma.
After an extensive holistic (whole person) examination, the Osteopath will (where appropriate) use their hands to gently apply pressure to specific body areas, carefully move limbs to treat joints and work directly on the spine. As a result, they often target areas that are experiencing pain or discomfort.
Osteopathic manipulation can be an effective treatment option for helping to recover from trauma. It can help reduce inflammation and muscle spasms, improve circulation, muscle and joint flexibility and strength and promote natural healing. Furthermore, it is generally a safe and non-invasive treatment option with minimal risk of side effects.
Improving Range of Motion and Flexibility after Surgery
It is common for the body to experience inflammation, stiffness, and a loss of range of motion in the affected area after surgery. Osteopathic techniques can help to reduce inflammation and improve circulation.
In addition, osteopaths provide advice on exercises and other self-care strategies. For example, it can help the body regain proper alignment, balance and optimal movement patterns. Also, it can help reduce muscle tension and stimulate the body’s natural healing processes.
Overall, osteopathy can be a valuable part of a post-surgical recovery plan.
Reducing Scar Tissue and Adhesions with Osteopathic Techniques
Osteopathic treatment can help in reducing adhesions and softening up scar tissue. Osteopathic techniques, like scar tissue release therapy, can help break up scar tissue and adhesions. Working on this dysfunctional tissue helps to improve mobility and flexibility.
Experience the Benefits of Osteopathic Treatment with ARC Osteopathy
If you’re seeking top-quality Osteopathy treatment in Croydon, ARC Osteopathy is the place to go.
Our team of experienced osteopaths offers a wide range of techniques to help alleviate pain, improve mobility, and support overall health and well-being. So whether you’re dealing with a specific injury or chronic pain, we have the expertise and knowledge to help you find relief.
At ARC Osteopathy, we take pride in delivering the best possible care to our patients. In addition, our Osteopaths are registered with the General Osteopathic Council, so you can trust that you’re safe.
If you’re searching for high-quality treatment, contact us today and schedule an appointment.
Final Verdict
In conclusion, ARC Osteopathy is the place to go if you’re searching for an Osteopath in Croydon. We have developed strong ties with local businesses, gyms, and fitness facilities.
Having a combined 24 years of experience in Osteopathy, the team in Croydon ensures that we can offer an individualised treatment plan that fits your needs.
So why not give it a try? Taking care of yourself should always come first – your health matters!